Saturday, May 03, 2008


I'm not a huge fan of Metal, but I do like the occasional song now and then...

But I saw a concert on may 1 in Montreal that simply blew me away... I give you Apocalyptica:

Embedded Video

Life Burns

Eurovision 2007

I knew the group before, but the live performance litteraly blew me away. The Metropolis is not a big place, but it was filled with fans... People from completely different group types that all seemed to fit well with the group's style. And we were ecstatic! As one the band member remarked: "Man! You are a loud crowd!"

Since the band itself doesn't have a vocalist, they where touring with Toryn Green, the vocalist from the group Fuel. A great voice, he did a terrific job with "Life Burns" and "I don't Care". Enough for me to check out his own group that I haven't heard before...

Apocalyptica said they might be back in the fall.. I can't wait!
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