Sunday, July 20, 2008

Life is about the journey, not the destination

I heard this adage time and time again:
"A voyage is not about the destination, it's about the journey all the way."
Of course, we all have heard this in various form, but I never really realized what it really means, and how it matters to me. And I am not taking about basic comprehension, but more about a more depth and psychological level.

I am notorious for not finishing anything. I start something, get very exited, but then, after some time, I lose interest and leave the project half-finished. It not always because I'm lazy. I learned Spanish, but I cannot say a single sentence today: I didn't practice enough. Same with Japanese. (English is another story... It's harder NOT to practice English these days.) And it's not just languages. I started taking piloting course (flying, yeah!) but I lost interest because of the cost.

Well, I felt really bad because I never finished any of this. But I never realized that it wasn't all for nothing. I felt guilty and ashamed that I never finished anything...

Until this very morning...

Well, what I have learned is not lost. I am better human being because of all this. And it wasn't all for nothing because, It is still an experience all the way to the finish line. The goal of a marathon runner is to get to the finish line, but if you ask him about his experience, it boils down to everything before that finish line. The entire journey is significant, not just the last part of the last mile.

Thus, I think I'll stop having second thoughts about trying sometime out... Experience is never really lost...

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