Thursday, March 01, 2007

What Could Possibly Be Worse Than Failure?

The daily WTF "changed" name recently (or rather defined the WTF part) and the owner has posted an explanation for the new name:
What Could Possibly Be Worse Than Failure?
It is an interesting question and I think it represent the current state of much of the public sector in Quebec. In his explanation, Alex Papadimoulis (the author) explains that keeping the bad working system is actually worse than simply scrapping it and starting over. Even worse, the final perception of such an endeavor to the designed is "It works!", thus the lessons that should have been learned from the failure aren't... And thus the problem is repeated over and over again... It is the logic behind things like voting machines problems in the US: no matter how bad it is, as long as it does the minimum at the lowest price, it will be bought.

Of course, the real problem is that it will only be dealt with after it's too late...

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